Through our work with at-risk youth, we have seen firsthand the positive impact yoga has on their self esteem, emotional regulation, and stress management. In 2017 we started working with adolescents affected by homelessness, drug, or alcohol dependent and/or abuse. 

How yoga makes a difference with at risk youth

The Yoga Foundation is working with young people at Youth Off The Streets specialised high schools who have students who may have been unable to thrive in the mainstream because they may be homeless, from a disadvantaged background, affected by substance addiction, recovering from abuse and/or victims of bullying and/or trauma. Our programs are designed to help participants (aged from 14-17) recognise feelings of anxiety and stress, manage those feelings, and release them through breath and movement. Our course is one of breadth and depth: always adapted to the individuals in the room and covering psychology, neuroplasticity, the nervous system, postures for studying, tips for sleeping, breathing exercises and practical stress management and postures to challenge and restore.

Thank you so much for extending the opportunity for our young people to be engaged in such wonderful yoga and mindfulness sessions. I’d highly recommend this program to other schools and particularly alternative education settings such as ours where many students don’t have the luxury of peacefulness at home but can find it at school.
— Melissa Davis, School Manager, Youth Off The Streets

In 2019 -2022 we supported young people at The Settlement  with a specialised yoga program as part of a larger project with the aim to provide a safe space for participants to explore their developing identities as they move towards adolescence. We created opportunities to connect and build positive relationships with their peers and learn skills and strategies that form the foundations for well-being in adolescence and beyond.

Yoga is useful because if you’re feeling upset you can use it to calm yourself down.
— Izzy, aged 10

In April 2021 and 2023 we took a group of teenage girls supported by The Lillian Howell Project on a 3 day, 2 night retreat. The girls are survivors of child sexual abuse, neglect or family violence and homelessness and The Lillian Howell Project (“Lillians”) provides them with medium-long term accommodation and a stable and non-judgemental environment. Their trauma informed care approach that is reparative and empowering aligns excellently with The Yoga Foundation’s principles and protocols and we have formed an impactful partnership.

9/10 participants rated the Retreat “Excellent” and commented; “Can we do it every year?” YES! It was a wonderful healing experience for all.

With thanks to program supporters Real Active and The Besen Family Foundation. You can sponsor one of our programs to help ensure young people continue to get the support they need. Read more here.

If you need support contact Kids Helpline at 1800 55 1800

A private and confidential telephone counselling support line for youth ages 5 to 25 and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.