Lockdown shifts our program delivery model online

As the Sydney lockdown extends, some of our programs are on pause while others are happening via Zoom/Microsoft Teams. We have offered our clients and beneficiaries a range of online options and tailored videos to suit their preferences and needs. 

Online yoga programs

We are so grateful we are able to continue to support our program participants with online yoga during the lockdown in Sydney. We are running a few programs weekly including:

A huge shout out to all our amazing yoga teachers for their adaptability and patience during this time.

Aboriginal women impacted by domestic violence program

Recently we partnered with Mudgin-Gal, a community organisation that seeks to support Aboriginal women and young Aboriginal girls reach their full potential. Mudgin-Gal acts as a gateway for vulnerable Aboriginal women to access a broad range of services. As part of their service offerings, they partnered with us for an 8-week yoga program to support Aboriginal women impacted by domestic violence. Since we have started the program we have received some heart-warming feedback:

  • “I’m glad we are progressing, I can feel we are building on from each week. I feel energized like I’m ready to face the day. I’m going to fly the day with flow.”

  • “Wednesday is my new favourite day of the week. I love yoga.”

  • “Yoga helps me to feel more productive. I love the breath work.”

  • “I feel amazing, thanks! I love the breath work, we always think we have to push our bodies physically but breathing gives us a time out and feels so energising.”

Sponsor or donate to programs The Yoga Foundation runs

If you are interested in sponsoring or donating to a program that the Yoga Foundation runs or want to learn more about our programs contact us with your questions.